
nedelja, 25. november 2012

Dragi moji...

ze par dni razmisljam o vrtu. O nasem vrtu, mojem, tvojem. O nasem projektu Vrt, o nasem druzenju, o idejah, o potencialih, o izkusnjah, o nepredvidljivosti. In bolj, ko mislim na to bolj se mi zdi zadeva imenitna. Seveda si ne morem kaj...sorry I will switch to english so Loup can follow my considerations too.
So, about the garden.
I can not jump out of my skin not to think about a utopia of a common. Recently there are quite a few initiative around the country to build up communal gardens, cooperative for local sustainability, seed banks and seed sharing and so forth. When visiting and reading about those gardens every time comes in my mind the question of the common. It is true that urban gardens share a specific issues which is Let's occupy a space and change it into a garden. Work is divided in the first place but still what (for different reasons and probably out of difficult experiences in the past) comes next, is the division of the land into parcels, invisible walls start to be constructed between mine and yours. That is probably due to the basic considerations that we all have: as much as I give I want to get back, or even more. To this production oriented society inside of each and every one of us I would like to poise a question: is it possible to really calculate life in quantitative terms and is it possible to rethink our relations, that is our social interactions, into terms that partially escape those notions (or at least rethink them as relations in becoming, rather than a fix set of roles). I believe it is time to think again the notion of work itself and here is, I believe, a space to consider our Garden experience. One owns something as long as one is using that something. Everyone has the right to have food, shelter, so to say basic needs for a descent life. In times when societal development is impregnated with private property and a loss of a common mythology and when common rituals are absolutely individualised, virtualised and enslaved realities, I would like to tell you all how this very spontaneous gathering of ours is making me think and feel. First thanks to Sara being what she is. Her garden being, probably since its birth, a space of gathering and people feeling good, such kind of event is probably quite normal. I appreciate that somehow spontaneously, a few initiatives took place there recently and have  spread a net of ideas, actions and thoughts. I appreciate we planted plants for each other, on different occasions, when we could, when weather was fine, with no invisible walls. We now have on the garden seeds from friends, from different parts of Slovenia, from donators, from mothers…Sources are varied and the garden is a nice little chaos. I am enchanted to think we will all eat from it, as it would be only right that every human on this earth could pick and take food that is necessary for his survival, not needing to buy it.  Further on I thought of several things. One is to develop the garden also to the kitchen, that is to prepare common meals in the garden. There is a fire place and food cooked on fire, mmm, tastes good. If everyone of us cooks once a week there, cooking gains again its status of ceremony and is not merely a routine. As everyone cooks differently we would enlarge our spectres of tasting, probably sharing the duties of preparing meals would mean also spending less time for all of us behind its own kitchen desk every day and though having more time to do other things that we have to do instead. I propose we try out this idea three days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday), lunch time being at 18h, installing a rotation system that would suit us best. We could gather some cooking  and eating utensils in the “lopa”. One thing to think of is clean water, maybe we could have a few liters stored in clay  or glass jars in the “lopa” as well.
The other idea is to have goats. There is a space-field behind the house, owned by the psy hospital (?). Maybe we could ask them to lend the space to keep goats there? I believe that, if our group extends to at least 10 active partcipants, we could share the responsibility to take care of those animals (and maybe also have a few chickens).
The third idea is at its base, related to the work of the research project Bara, Teja, Loup are doing with Maska. That is to have afternoons of leisure and activism in the garden. To start from a format of picnic, as we have experienced at several occasions already, often leads us to expand into collective inventions, interventions, debate…The idea is to share our fantasies and engagement through song, dance, reading and celebration of summer &company and to open the garden to visitors and participants. Days for that will be settled throughout june and if we like it, it can continue for ever, haha.
This was in very brief terms. The night is short for me so I will leave you at this point.

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